"There was no theater and there was
no dance."
Maggie Kast is a dancer, choreographer, and writer. She was the artistic director of Chicago Contemporary Dance Theatre and Kast and Company. She is the author of The Crack Between the Worlds: A Dancer’s Memoir of Loss, Faith, and Family and currently serves on the board of Links Hall.
May 15, 2019: Maggie Kast, at her home in Chicago, recounted her early experiences studying dance in Washington, D.C. and New York City. She described the dance scene in Chicago in the 1960s, when she moved to attend the University of Chicago and went on to discuss her companies, her shift to liturgical dance, and her career as a writer.
"I wanted to dance my spiritual feelings."
"Martha Graham was teaching us how to do a fall from a seated position."
"I did this piece called 'Vietnam Story,' which was a dance play."